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Here you will find everything you need to know about the ASC points
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General Information About ASC

The opportunity to earn Activity and Social Credits (ASC) is a special feature of the HdM, as it recognizes the voluntary commitment within the VS by the university.

A prerequisite for the acquisition of ASC points is an independent commitment that goes beyond the scope of teaching.
However, ASC are only awarded for activities within the VS and its initiatives.
The activities carried out should serve in particular to further develop students’ social, organizational and communication skills.

Criteria for Awarding ASC

ASC points can be awarded in increments of 2,5 ASC, 5 ASC and 10 ASC. Their value is based on the activity carried out and the time required. In principle, the award is based on the following criteria:

  • 2,5 ASC for helpers or equivalent:
    An activity that lasts for a short period of time, carries a low level of responsibility and contributes significantly to the success of the project. The workload corresponds to approx. 7,5 hours.
  • 5 ASC for secondary responsibility or equivalent:
    An activity that lasts for a longer period of time and contributes significantly to the success of the project. The workload corresponds to approx. 15 hours.
  • 10 ASC for major responsibility or equivalent:
    An activity that lasts for an entire semester, describes a responsible task and contributes significantly to the success of the project. The workload corresponds to approx. 30 hours.

Attention Initiatives:
However, mere participation in initiatives is not remunerated!

Attention Council Members:
On September 21, 2022, the VS Council decided that council members can each receive 5 ASCs based on regular attendance at VS Council meetings and active participation in VS work. This means that these students also have the opportunity to receive 10 ASCs for the entire semester.

Crediting Process

A maximum of 10 ASC per semester and a total of 30 ASC can be acquired during the entire duration of the program.
10 ASC correspond to 1 ECTS. Depending on the ASC acquired in the “Special examination achievements” module, credit is awarded in the transcript either under Key Qualification A: 1 ECTS or Key Qualification B: 2 ECTS.

The ASCs are valid and can be credited retroactively until the end of your studies, but you must fill out the following ASC form  and have it signed by the person primarily responsible for the activity immediately after completing the work or at the end of the semester. This is your proof!
If you do not obtain your signatures, you will not be able to prove your commitment to the ASC Coordination and this will make it impossible for us to check your application. Therefore, you will find your contact person for the signature here:

  • Member Initiative → Initiative Management
  • Initiative management → Initiative coordination
  • VS Council member → Council president

Once you have collected an even number of ASCs (10, 20 or 30 ASCs), you can hand in the form at the VS office or send it to us, the ASC Coordination, by email. We will then check it and forward it to the relevant examination office for crediting.


Even if the process does not usually take long, we would still ask you to be patient.
We are students ourselves who are also very busy towards the end of the semester. In addition, we always expect an increased volume of your applications. Therefore, please submit your ASC forms to us at least two weeks before the end of the semester. Especially if the credits are to be credited for the current semester.

Even if the ASC are credited, this is not the same as a separate proof of activity for your commitment. If you need this for your applications (job, scholarship,…), please download the template here and fill it out.
For the necessary signatures, you must then send it to the board by e-mail.

Current Criteria Catalog

A list of the activities for which ASC have already been applied for can be viewed in our ASC criteria catalog.
You will also find the activities for which we do not award ASC.

With a revision of the criteria catalog (June 2024), new items were also included.
Therefore, the commitment of students of all initiatives can be equally recognized and rewarded with ASC points.

If you would still like to have a new activity included in the catalog (e.g. by founding a new initiative), please contact the ASC Coordination using the following form.
We will check your application and forward it to the Vice-Rector for Teaching if we approve it.
As soon as we receive feedback, we will of course inform you.

Inclusion in the criteria catalog can also take some time.
Therefore, please submit your application to us early and be patient. This will also secure you the opportunity to acquire ASC directly 😉