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Get involved in the VS Council, Faculty Council or Senate, we will show you how.
This article refers to the elections for the term starting WiSe22/23

To the election portal


First up: nomination

Before the elections, it’s up to you! Get your name on the ballot for VS Council and student representation on the Faculty Council or Senate. No idea what that even is? Info about the VS-Council & Co. can be found below.

How can I get set up?

Nachdem du dir überlegt hast, für welches Gremium du dich aufstellen lassen möchtest, ist es Zeit für die Nominierung. The Nomination period begins at 20.05.2022 and ends at 31.05.2022. To get set up, you ll use our Online election portal. The login is done via your Hdm shortcut and password.

Many also wonder if you can be set up if you are in practice or abroad (over) next semester. This is not a problem! Für die Zeit des Praxis-/Auslandssemesters kannst du dein Mandat ruhen lassen – dann rücken derweil andere Personen aus der Liste nach. The only important thing is that you communicate this to the queries at the beginning of each semester!

Why should I participate?

How cool would it be to have a say in decisions about one’s own degree programs or even one’s own university, that is, one’s own university life? To not only have to wonder why certain things were decided, but to be actively involved in the decision-making process and represent the students’ point of view in the decisions? That’s exactly what the “Verfasste Studierendenschaft”, the faculty councils and the senate offer: To bring student concerns to bear where decisions are made about what happens at the university.

an in addition still contacts to other students and extends apart from the circle of acquaintances also its Skillset. Because what educates more than just doing it?

I put up, now what?

How cool that you want to be a part of it! After you have registered on the election portal, we will send you an email within the next few weeks with a profile form and an upload link where you can submit the completed form. Fill out (voluntarily) this profile to tell your fellow students for the election why they should vote for you.

You can also get the form in advance here and fill it out so that you have it ready to upload as soon as you receive the mail.

Be aware that your candidacy is not valid by filling out the profile, but only by submitting the online form in the nomination portal! The info from the profile is only used as a basis for announcing the candidates in the election phase.

Now it’s time to tell as many people as possible about your nomination and encourage them to vote!

Next up: Elections

Elections for student representation on the Faculty Council, Senate, and VS Council will be held this year during the period of Wednesday, June 15, 2022. (9 a.m.), until Wednesday, 22.06.2022 (15 Uhr), as an online election on the election portal The link to the election portal will be sent to all students by mail in time, the login to the portal is done with your normal HdM code and password.

vote how electors are to be elected, and one vote can be cast per candidate:in (no vote clustering). You also do not need to cast all your votes.

Info on Senate, Faculty Councils and VS Council

You’re still wondering what the Senate and the Councils are all about? Here you will find the individual areas explained briefly and concisely.

What does the Senate do?

student opinion on topics such as the university’s financial plan, new professorships and degree programs, and other university-related issues. Elected members of the Senate are automatically part of the VS Council.

What does the faculty council do?

At the faculty level, with five elected representatives:in each, we have the opportunity to decide on funds, changes to the Study Examination Regulations (SPO), or other internal faculty issues.

Which faculty council you stand for depends on your major. Each course of study is assigned to a faculty. You can only run for the faculty council of your own faculty. Which one that is, you can  read;here . Elected members of the Faculty Council are automatically part of the VS Council.

What does the VS Council do?

The VS Council is the first point of contact for problems, suggestions, questions and ideas from students. We are 30 elected students who organize the VS, student groups and services such as the charging stations, water dispensers or microwaves for you. The VS Council is a good body to get started with VS work, and we recommend standing for it in any case.

For more info about the VS itself click here.

Any questions?

Your question was not there or you want to know more? No problem!

Während der Nominierungsphase in der Woche vom 23. Mai kannst du an unserem Infostand im Foyer beim grünen Ei auch alle deine Fragen persönlich an uns stellen. Komm vorbei im Zeitraum vom 23.05.2022 bis zum 27.05.2022 immer in der Mittagspause (13:15 Uhr bis 14:15 Uhr).

Of course, you can also spontaneously drop by the VS office in room SN020 (foyer, behind the green egg) at any time.

In addition, you can always reach us on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13:15 in the virtual VS office on Discord or by Mail. Also, you can ask us questions about the elections on Discord the channel #-wahlen-faq!

And don’t forget: Whether by election or nomination, make the VS YOUR student representation. 🙂